Friday, July 16, 2010


Upon waking every morning this week I have found waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs chewed up paper products of all sorts, bits of 2 plastic containers, and the last straw...engagement cards from friends torn to BITS!   He has never done anything like this before and allllll despite purchasing 2 new toys in addition to his 6 others around the house!!  How could this sweet innocent face be so destructive?!?!
I needed a laugh today and via Happy Zombie I found it!  Thank you Molly Erdman for your Tumblr Catalog Living very clever and brilliant!


  1. Wrigley, you are ridiculous. I believe your poochie cousin sent you a message, as this week seemed to be "chew up important items." Elli has never been a chewer-uper, but she decided Nutter Butters and Barbies were mighty tasty. Very disappointing to a 4-year old niece visiting one of her favorite aunties. So, Mr. Wriggles, hear Elli loud and clear as she sends you this message, "NO MORE CHEWING, Dude. You'll get banished to the crate for much longer than you'd like."

  2. Haha! The joys of being dog parents!
