Monday, August 9, 2010

Apron's are AWESOME!

I have been a busy little bumble bee seamstress this last week!  You may recall my birthday purchase of the book A is for Apron by Nathalie Mornu. 
I have been dying to sew some of the fun aprons in the book.  Well the perfect occasion arrived...I needed a gift for a friends wedding....APRONS!  I mean lets face it aprons are awesome, and they make you look awesome.  Oh and they are fashionable and functional so get that sewing machined fired up!!

{yes i had to model the apron and OHMYGOSH i love it!  I'm glad i just happened to purchase enough fabric to make 2...heh!}

{oh man i'll tell ya i don't know why more things don't come with ball fringe.}


The grillin' man's {groom's} apron!!

{Ok soooo white is probably not the best choice here but that little blue bike is totally RAD!}
I had a cotton apron and used paint pens to create the bicycle and text.  Spin on.


  1. Did you make some porkchops? ha!

  2. Awesome job little lady!!! Love it, love it and love it some more!

  3. Girl, I bought that book for myself last year and then I stumble upon the blk/wht oilcloth. Thank You for the block, it is awesome and the airplane is super sweet.

  4. Your skills astound me. I can't wait for you to get your creatively-sprinkled backside up here to the Haven of the South so I can be inspired by you in person.

  5. Martha always makes porkchops baby!!
    You guys are tooo sweet!!

    Sonya, I'm glad the block made it to ya! That is such a sweet idea you have!!

    Can't wait to visit the HAVEN!!

  6. I love them, too! Let's make food together in our matching aprons. :)

  7. Cec, I'm soooo glad you like them!! Miss you bunches friend and can't wait to see you again real real soon!
